WFF receives CSI for Wildlife Grant by DierenPark Amersfoort

In a significant stride towards advancing wildlife conservation efforts, the Wildlife Forensic Fund (WFF) proudly announces the reception of the “CSI for Wildlife” Grant. The grant agreement, formally signed on September 7th, 2023, solidifies the partnership between WFF and the Dierenpark Amersfoort Wildlife Fund (DPAWF), a non-governmental organisation based in The Netherlands.

The generous grant opens doors for WFF to provide scholarships to local rangers within our forensic training project at the Wildlife Forensic Academy in South Africa. Over three intensive days, this training will empower and upskill 10 rangers, equipping first responders with advanced knowledge and techniques in wildlife forensics. This initiative aligns seamlessly with WFF's mission to combat wildlife crime globally and raise awareness of the need for wildlife forensic knowledge.

Dierenpark Amersfoort is an engaging animal park where visitors can gain valuable insights into the lives of animals and their habitats while empowering them to take action and offering education about nature to ensure its well-being.

Explore the Ranger Training Project: For more insights into the impact of our ranger training project made possible by the CSI for Wildlife Grant, visit our dedicated page:

Support WFF and Our Rangers: Join us in this critical mission to combat wildlife crime and protect endangered species. Your support makes a tangible difference for the people in the affected areas.

Do you want to contribute too? Stand with us to bring justice back to the animal kingdom by donating to our cause here.


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