Stretch Tent for Wildlife CSI Agents
Help the WFA Continue Educational Training No Matter The Weather
The Wildlife Forensic Academy (WFA) is the world's first institution offering education in wildlife forensics. It has accumulated world expertise in crime forensics and transformed it into exclusive educational programmes to train new generations of wildlife crime warriors.
Now it is a 1000 m2 state-of-the-art training facility located near Cape Town, South Africa in Buffelsfontein, a private nature reserve. To continue building its campus and offer training to more students regardless of weather conditions, WFA needs a stretch tent.
Donate now to help to strengthen wildlife forensic education.
Wildlife crime is one of the biggest forms of organised crimes, after drugs, arms and human trafficking. When a crime against a wild animal happens, there are often no witnesses. But there is always evidence. Unfortunately, due to the lack of forensic knowledge, rangers, veterinarians and police officers enter the scene and destroy all the traces. And without evidence, poachers cannot be convicted.
In short, there is an urgent need in education in wildlife forensics. The Wildlife Forensic Academy (WFA) measures 1000m2 and is located near Cape Town. It is the world's first educational facility that trains rangers, veterinarians, police officers and prosecutors to know how to act and deal with wildlife crime scenes. To provide more training regardless of weather conditions and improve its campus, WFA needs a stretch tent.
The students of the Wildlife Forensic Academy are rangers, veterinarians, police officers, prosecutors and future professionals – international students from different fields studying forensics. These people would be directly fighting wildlife crime all over the world.
To get prepared, they need extensive and exclusive theoretical knowledge taught by leading experts in forensics, and practical skills that would allow them to work on crime scenes and present evidence in court. To help WFA students get hands-on experience, you can join the fundraising campaign for a stretch tent now.
Once the sum necessary for buying a stretch tent is raised, the Wildlife Forensic Academy will purchase it from a trusted third party supplier.
The stretch tent is needed as soon as possible, as training at the Academy is held on a recurrent continuous basis.
The average price of a stretch tent is around €6.000. WFA is not raising funds via other sources at the moment. Additional fundraising campaigns might be launched later, if necessary.
The Wildlife Forensic Academy will inform the public about new equipment via its website and social media.